The Web3 community is segmented into many different categories. A thoughtful content strategy can help you cut through the noise and make an impact.
At Influx, our marketing strategy looks like this:
Inform Strategy:
1. Build in public
2. Give predictable updates
3. Be where your audience Is
4. Keep it easy to digest
5. Keep it timely and relevant
We Help With
1. Social media copywriting & scheduling
2. Writing highly sharable articles
3. Creating and copywriting a highly engaging newsletter
4. Social media content strategies
5. Content strategy, testing, and optimization
Educate Strategy
1. People connect with stories, not technology
2. Sequential content keeps people engaged
3. Drive the conversation
4. Education with purpose and incentives
5. Give your community a platform to teach
We Help With
1. Online Course Creation
2. Explainer Videos
3. Twitter Space Organization/Moderation
4. Telegram and Discord AMA Organization/Moderation
5. Sequential Content Strategy
Content Marketing is the Heart of Your Community's involvement
Your community will connect with the stories you tell, the information you provide, and the amount of transparency they have into the process. A great content strategy brings all of those elements together into a stream of digestible information. We help you strategize, create, schedule, format, and brand content that builds trust, and drives engagement.
The more you focus on informing and educating, the easier it will be to engage and amplify your content.
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